Feel like at home…
Increase productivity, reduce business travel expenses and stay connected wherever you travel with HANSAEL GSM roaming free SIM card.
HANSAEL GSM roaming free solution allows significantly reduced International roaming charges when you or your vessel is out of home country allowing to make more for every 1 Eur spent.
Our service includes:
- Make and receive calls in 150 countries + 6 cruise operators;
- Receive free incoming calls in 132 countries, even when your balance is empty;
- Send and receive SMS;
- Make data connection with real-time tarification and billing increment of only 10 kb;
- Use memorable Latvian mobile number like:+371 222 ххххх or +371 21х ххххх;
- Use white and black list services;
- Manage your caller ID;
- Use automated call-back;
- Voice mail service is in caller’s language;
- View details of calls and balance refills in real time using your personal cabinet
- Possibility to receive faxes;
- Possibility to use SIP services (calling via Internet) on your phone and on your PC; cost of the service will be merged with your SIM expenses. Call rates for SIP calls are in tables below.;
- Call waiting can be activated via phone’s menu;
- “Call Me Back” service- free SMS with request to call you.

The SIM card is programmed in such way, that all outgoing calls use automated call-back service, which means that there is no need to enter any additional digits and phone’s phonebook can be used.
The only difference with standard SIMs is that when making a call, the caller right after dialing receives an incoming call and must accept it to get connected.
! Some very old models of cell phones do not support automatic call-back, so the user needs to enter technical prefix before making a call.
Incoming calls happen as usual.