Make it easy with us!
Providing the modern e-Navigation technologies HANSAEL simplifies tasks, increase efficiency and improve operations to make life easier, safer, and more efficient for navigators and shipowners. Our company provides not only ENC chart services, but also Weather and Piracy Information Services, e-NP, ADP and Digital Publications available from UKHO, IMO Digital Publications allowing finally to get fully paperless navigation onboard of the vessel.
e-Navigation Solutions.
Using the latest e-Navigation technologies, HANSAEL simplifies tasks, increase efficiency and improve operations to make life easier, safer, and more efficient for navigators and shipowners providing the following subscriptions to ENC charts from AVCS, CMAP or PRIMAR:
- Direct licensing. Classic way of subscription and is based on the standard ENC licensing model initially launched by HOs and RENCs. Licenses can be applied in any combination of 3, 6, or 12-month duration. The 12-month option is the most cost effective for a vessel sailing on a static/line routes with no deviations.
- PAYS or PayAsYouSail. Solution that lets you easily plan routes on ECDIS with free access to entire ENC database. This way, you can comply with the ECDIS mandate while paying only for the charts the vessel physically passed. PAYS is an excellent option for vessels that don’t travel fixed routes, because you can plan and sail a new route at any time. Crew does safe navigation and not running over the navigation bridge in order to get a new permit/license for a ENC chart supplier.
- FlatFee. Our FlatFee solution provides the vessels with access to global ENC’s. Your vessels will have the ENCs needed to be ECDIS-mandate compliant without creating a lot of extra work. The subscription is licensed and invoiced once a year, which reduce the paperwork and helps to plan the ship’s budget for E-Navigation much easier. The vessel can subscribe to world coverage or separate zones. HANSAEL FlatFee provides customers with a simple, efficient, and cost predictive solution for licensing ENC’s.

HANSAEL e-Navigation Advantages:
- The AVCS, CMAP or PRIMAR data onboard get delivered as highly compress data via FBB/VSAT/IOP/GSM etc connection. The way of compression We use allows the vessel significantly to reduce airtime expenses and to keep the ENC charts up-to-date 24/7/365.
- Thank’s to the modern way of compression, no more updates on base CD/DVD or etc required. All get delivered onboard over the air. Usual weekly update is 10-20Mb including new ENC charts if any, ENC chart updates, NtM, etc.
- 24/7/365 support line for crews.
- Using our way of updates delivery onboard, weekly updates are automatically send onboard along with a notification email to the vessel / owner / manager when the update is complete.
- Full control of any ship’s movement including Position, Speed, Heading, AIS targets, Weather Forecast data and ENC usage, via remote WEB based application either from Office/Home PC or Smartphone.
- Office TV. The software tool showing Your company’s fleet details and positions on the large screen.